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Miss Judy B

A Musician on the Move

Nothing is hard, all you have to do is start. I started blogs in the past but didn’t keep up with them. Consistency with anything is key to success; this is especially true with music. Daily practice, no matter how short of time, makes all the difference. I am constantly trying to make enough time for vocal, piano, guitar, and ukulele practice. The past couple months have thrown me out of my routine and any structure that I had set for myself. Why? Because I made the bold decision to move to another city. I am now in sunny Oceanside; the name alone evokes images of an idyllic Californian utopia. I’m sure you have moved a few times in your life and you might be getting flashbacks to it now. Or maybe you have moved a million times and now have a minimalist mindset when it comes to your belongings, like I do.

The thing to keep in mind is that the light is at the end of the tunnel and you have to remind yourself that the reason you moved was to improve your life, and in my case I will be gaining a new music studio where I will be recording new music and spending most of my time in. My boyfriend, Nick, and I will be building it out and it will be custom to my needs. We were fortunate enough to come across some sound proof barriers that were used for cubicles for free on Craigslist (gotta love the free section on CL). It should be done in a week if all goes according to plan. Here is a picture of the sound barriers and lay of my studio and my studio in the meantime. All I know is that I am grateful and delighted to be reunited with my piano, guitar, and microphone!

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